Crypto VS. Stocks

Crypto VS. Stocks

This whole premise is flawed. The argument of company stock investment vs crypto is akin to saying “What should I do with $1000: Get a graphics card or hire a marching band to follow my friend around for a day(coming for you Variance)”. Yes both are things to do with your money, but the two are not really comparable. With true stock investments you are probably looking at future intrinsic value of the product or company offering, including properties/cash flow/valuation. The bigger the discrepancy is, the safer your bet. Crypto is speculation, you are investing in the Crypto[currency] with the hope to sell higher. There is no intrinsic value aside from the value given by the community. Crypto is more like gold in that respect. So yes both are things to do with your money. One might see 10x gains, the other might se 5% gains, but I only see this argument as a way to make the arguer feel better than the other guy about how they decide to stash their loot. But at the end of the day do what you want with your money after ample research and know that someone will say you did it wrong, or you could have made 10X if you did this thing ten years ago. And remember if you hear the faint sound of a drumline outside of your window at 6AM – know that I did not get that new graphics card VARIANCE and I AM HAPPY WITH MY DECISION.

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