Crypto is NOT dead blog launched

Crypto is NOT dead blog launched

Let me start off by saying that I, at one time in my life (16 months ago or the standard length of a Kim Kardashian relationship), would have agreed with my co-blogger about the state of Crypto. Well actually I probably would’ve said what is dogecoin and why is it going to the moon? I also would have said what they hell is a TopShot and why are people paying so much money for a video clip?!?!

Fast forward to today and I can not only say I know what Dogecoin is (and it is most certainly NOT going to the moon) I can also explain WHY it is not going to the moon versus some other crypto options out there (but can’t explain the value of TopShot moments because that leadership team is as bad as Elizabeth Holmes leading Theranos)

I also will say upfront nothing about what I say will be financial advice even if I am standing here pointing out just how wrong my co-blogger is (although he makes a great point about beanie babies and the value they still hold 20+ years later).

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