Hot topics in crypto right now!

More Like DUMB Contracts #AMIRIGHT?

First lets give the ELI5 (explain like I’m 5) of a smart contract. It is really just a kind of computer program that is run automatically based on conditions (which to be fair is all computer programs). The ones you probably hear about are the kind that run on the blockchain (specifically Ethereum). The smart contract will get executed if […]

Crypto VS. Stocks

This whole premise is flawed. The argument of company stock investment vs crypto is akin to saying “What should I do with $1000: Get a graphics card or hire a marching band to follow my friend around for a day(coming for you Variance)”. Yes both are things to do with your money, but the two are not really comparable. With […]

But but but crypto investing is dangerous!!!

“Crypto is filled with nothing but scammers and rug pulls” “Crypto has nothing but shit coins in it” “Investing is crypto is like throwing your money away” You get the point and boomers will tell you the right move is to invest into blue chip stocks line FAANG so you can earn a nice 5-7% return which will just barely […]

Crypto is NOT dead blog launched

Let me start off by saying that I, at one time in my life (16 months ago or the standard length of a Kim Kardashian relationship), would have agreed with my co-blogger about the state of Crypto. Well actually I probably would’ve said what is dogecoin and why is it going to the moon? I also would have said what […]

Crypto is Dead Blog Launched

Alright folks, here is what the world needs… more content. No one asked for this and frankly this domain was purchased as a gag to poke fun and my co-blogger that is really into Crypto. The origin of this site is a page that just said “YES” But now we are going to turn this site into an informative, well-thought […]