What Does STABLE Mean Again?

TLDR: A Stable coin is supposed to be stable and not fluctuate price… Merriam-Webster defines stable as: 1 a: firmly established : FIXED, STEADFAST stable opinions b: not changing or fluctuating : UNVARYING in stable condition c: PERMANENT, ENDURING stable civilizations 2 a: steady in purpose : firm in resolution b: not subject to insecurity or emotional illness : SANE, RATIONAL a stable personality Someone in the crypto community forgot to look up the definition before they coined that term for certain […]

That is with a T…..13 Trillion

When you see a stat like that on Twitter it makes you stop swiping and take more than a 1/2 second to think through things. Not only is that stat insane but if you add into the volume of Ethereum you see the gap grow even more to a tune of 32 Trillion – https://www.theblockcrypto.com/linked/128590/bitcoin-and-ether-futures-trading-volume-crossed-32-trillion-in-2021 And to think that only […]