Blockchain to Democratize Research

Ok, so there is no doubt that I am the more skeptical writer in this blog. As notice by the “DEAD” tag on all of my posts. My esteemed colleague will be the first to tell you that I like the idea of cryptocurrency, but not the current practice of it. Saying that I do feel like there are legitimate […]


Well it has been a bit. I thought I would let the smoking crater of the FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried debacle clear out a bit… Wow this one was a doosie! If you missed it let me recap for you: “My goal is to have impact” Sam Bankman-Fried There was a tweets storm where the head of another crypto exchange (Binance) […]

A Winter Summer (or something clever)

Granted that is not a great title, but you get what I am going to discuss in this post. If you haven’t noticed – things have been down. Like really down… They have started to plateau (kinda – I mean at least they are not free falling) So that is a good thing for all of the time being. I […]

Crypto in ’22 = Woodstock ’99

You missed the boat, stop trying to make it something it isn’t. For all you gen z-ers – or later (who are most definitely not reading this) Woodstock ’99 marked the end of the 90’s not just because 2000 came after 1999. But because of what it signified. I realize I might be getting ahead of myself. Woodstock was a […]

What Does STABLE Mean Again?

TLDR: A Stable coin is supposed to be stable and not fluctuate price… Merriam-Webster defines stable as: 1 a: firmly established : FIXED, STEADFAST stable opinions b: not changing or fluctuating : UNVARYING in stable condition c: PERMANENT, ENDURING stable civilizations 2 a: steady in purpose : firm in resolution b: not subject to insecurity or emotional illness : SANE, RATIONAL a stable personality Someone in the crypto community forgot to look up the definition before they coined that term for certain […]

More Like DUMB Contracts #AMIRIGHT?

First lets give the ELI5 (explain like I’m 5) of a smart contract. It is really just a kind of computer program that is run automatically based on conditions (which to be fair is all computer programs). The ones you probably hear about are the kind that run on the blockchain (specifically Ethereum). The smart contract will get executed if […]

Crypto VS. Stocks

This whole premise is flawed. The argument of company stock investment vs crypto is akin to saying “What should I do with $1000: Get a graphics card or hire a marching band to follow my friend around for a day(coming for you Variance)”. Yes both are things to do with your money, but the two are not really comparable. With […]

Crypto is Dead Blog Launched

Alright folks, here is what the world needs… more content. No one asked for this and frankly this domain was purchased as a gag to poke fun and my co-blogger that is really into Crypto. The origin of this site is a page that just said “YES” But now we are going to turn this site into an informative, well-thought […]